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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the MTLE tell us about the nature of teaching and learning?

The MTLE suggests that the only way to properly measure the skills of an individual is by standardized testing. However, upon further research, we disagree with this suggestion. The MTLE does not measure the elements of the "whole teacher." Instead of measuring the characteristics of a quality teacher, the test is designed to measure one's ability to test well. We are losing quality teachers through this flawed assessment.

Do you believe that the test is accurate in evaluating a highly qualified teacher?

The MTLE tests have not been tested enough to prove valid and reliable. Because of this, we are offering a "beta" test to pre-service teachers. If the test does not have supporting evidence to prove reliable and valid...then why are we using it? 50% of students pass this test on best attempt. These students withhold high GPA's and demonstrate good qualities to be a teacher. It is unfair to offer them an assessment that does not accurately or fairly measure what it is supposed to.

Who is making decisions regarding the MTLE?

There are many contributors within the Board of Teaching, yet all final decisions are made through legislation. Senators and Representatives are making decisions that we live and breathe every day. This is difficult because many legislators are not educators themselves, and thus, they do not recognize the impact of their decisions on our lives. If we could decide, we would allow educators and retired educators to make these decisions...maybe someday!

Why standardized testing? Is there another assessment we can use to evaluate a highly qualified teacher?

We come from a society that is based around the idea of standardized testing. To be fair, we don't know any other way...standardized testing appears to be the "easiest" option. We believe that portfolio testing could potentially be a wonderful alternative to this issue. What if we created a portfolio where pre-service teachers passed a short test, provided information about previous experience, and received letters of recommendation? If we offered this opportunity, pre-service could be evaluated based on the idea of the "whole" teacher.

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